Wednesday, December 31, 2014

That is a wrap!

Many people today will wake up and say to themselves, dam another year down and I still haven't reached my goal! Are you one of them? I know I am. I made a goal to reach a certain # on the scale by December 31st 2014. I had a few set backs, but I did manage to come close. I feel different then the person January 1st 2014. I dropped a few sized, gained a lot of muscle, and learned a lot about myself.
Though I didn't reach my goal, I did find the person whom I have been trying to find all these years. 

I learned all though my body some days wont let me move, I get up and move. I don't let those head demons win, I know no matter what my body will hurt, and I cant let that be an excuses to not hit the gym. One day, one step, one breath at a time I managed to get rid of this baggage the past year:

40+ of these!!!

This picture is worth so many words! I still catch myself looking at my refection in the mirror, or a store window. I just cant wrap my mind around it some times. One thing I do know is I never want to go back to that old person who thought she would never be healthy again:

I love who I'm becoming:

So no matter where you are, where you use to be, or where you want to go, know this, you can and you will, but it takes you and only you to do it.

Shout out to another big loser this year:
My niece Felicia Fortine:

I didnt have a full size one of her because she hasnt been here to do one, but as you can see by her face she has changed a ton and she did reach her goal to be in onderland this year :) ! Awesome job kiddo!! Keep up the great work, Im so fricken proud of you!! You had such a hard year losing your dad and all but you managed to keep those lbs away and keep on trying to be the best y. Dont let no one or thing get in your way, I know you will accomplish great things in your life. 

Now what are you going to do this coming year? Stay the same <====? or head the other direction===>?


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

open eyes can see

The past few months have been a real test of will and determination for me. When I fractured my foot and hurt my shoulder, I thought to myself, now how am I going to keep losing this weight? I, for the past year, put all my efforts into running as a form of not only weight loss, but a sense of freedom I get while running. I thought how am I going to use my new found therapy, if I cant workout?
Then one day while reading my thousandth magazine on weight loss, I came to the realization, hello Shawn, you are a C.P.T. what the hell! Use this knowledge of cross training, and training with disabilities and keep moving. Train yourself!
I dove head in and read anything about weight training, strength training, cross training, and cardio for people with foot issues. I watched YouTube videos and learned, if I just open my eyes, I will see clearly what I need to do to still work toward my goals even though I have disabilities. This video gave me inspiration:

When you just diet and do one form of workout, you miss so many benefits of weight bearing exercises. I cant express enough once you open your eyes to that, your fitness will change dramatically. As we diet and don't utilize weight bearing exercises in our weekly activities, we end up with a dreaded look of sag. You must fill that sag with muscle, and you need to get that by some form of weight training. No I'm not saying become a body builder, or bulk up like the Hulk, I'm just saying it will help that sagging skin dramatically, by filling that left over skin with some muscle your body takes on a whole new appearance. 
Look at that Picture above, look at all those benefits. So in this journey we are taking to lose weight, let us not forget, its not just about the weight loss, but the main loss we want is the dreaded FAT loss!
So open them eyes up and see!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Goals goals and more goals....

As the years pass  I became an expert on excuses, and why my weight just wasn't budging. I said it was medication I was taking, I was sore from arthritis and Fibro, I just didn't have time to workout, I had kids to take care of, you name it I thunk it and said it. What changed? Me, I just cant stand to sit back and lose another decade to obesity, as well as losing my life over a dam piece of junk food. I had to really dig deep and figure out what was my triggers etc, I will dive more into it in another blog.
This one I want to focus on goals. It doesn't have to be a grand goal, just little baby ones to get you to that grand one. I set my goals very little because in the past I was a all or nothing type of gal, If say I didn't obtain a goal when time was up, I would just beat myself up about it, and in the end gain more weight then when I started. What a viscous cycle isn't it?!
This past goal was to get to another pants #, when I started this journey a few decades ago my pant size was a 28. I still cant believe I was that big, I was such an expert camouflage girl, always was good at that, until this day people always say I didn't think you were that big, guess I wore it well. But #'s don't lie, I was 260 lb size 28 wearing young woman.
Well this morning on the way to the gym, I remembered I forgot to bring my pants, I knew I had a client to take care of today, so I went to store. I grabbed real quick a 12, but then I took a step back and said, well for giggles Im going to try on a 10. Well hot diggidy dog they fit!!
 If you never had a weight problem you just wont get it!
I did a little dance in the dressing area and I have to say first time I left smiling. I just kept looking at myself thinking holy crap is this me? I haven't been this size for a few decades! I cant say it enough, you can do what ever you put your mind too, you just have to believe it and stop listening to those little voices that say you cant.
If I can do it anyone can!!
So my next goal:
hit 160 by Dec 31st 2014
Lets do this!!
It is all up to you, you are the author of your story...Make it a grand one!!
peace, health, happiness

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Dont give up!

I will no longer track my exercises on here. I have been logging them on
It has been a great tool to track my workouts and see the progression I'm making. If you are interested in following me on there, my handle is shawnduncan72, will be great to see you there as well.

I want to really focus on here (blog) my journey to health and wellness. So with this said I want to touch on the subject of giving up, or in some cases, giving into the pressures of life.

In the past I really focused on food, food was such a enemy of mine. It ruled my every waking moment. How did I change this? I haven't, I just don't think it ever goes away, you just learn to start listening to your body. I find as I get older I tend to reach for foods that agree with me.  My tummy usually tells me what it wants and what doesn't agree with it. You have to find what foods make you feel better and what ones make you feel like you will have a belly ache from hell. So it is getting easier to manage my binging, my food preferences have changed as I work out more. I need a lot more of things I never thought Ide try before.

When people ask if I'm on a strict diet, I say, NO! I come to the conclusion it doesn't matter what type of hype diet you get on, you will, mark my words, gain as soon as you are off it. The trick, I believe, is to listen to what your body craves, if it craves a piece of chocolate, give it a piece, just know and be aware of the temptation of binging. Always the choice is yours!

In the past few decades I cant tell you how many times I have quit. I often wonder if I just stuck to it in my 20's how would my life would have been. I didn't have the courage to be the best me, I let others issues become my own and I just stop caring.
As I'm coming to the point of reaching a big mile stone, (my 100 lb weight loss) I get nervous and sometimes feel so much pressure, but I remember why I started. When you get told you cant it has a way of lighting a big fire under your rear! I will never give up on myself again. I know I'm worth being fit and healthy at any age I am.
So please remember this too, YOU ARE WORTH IT!
My weigh-in this week = 173.1
peace, health, happiness

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Weekly workout Nov

Monday Nov. 10th 2014
Dead lift w/triceps pull back 4x5 130 lbs
Seated leg press 4x5 210 lbs
Hamstring machine 4x5 20 lbs
Squat machine 4x5 60 lb single leg squat
Seated leg curl machine 4x5 60 lbs
Leg extension machine 4x5 60 lbs
Octane machine 2.63 miles in 15 min.
Tuesday Nov. 11th
Band work for rehab shoulder
Wednesday Nov. 12th
Band work for rehab shoulder
Thursday Nov. 13th
Friday Nov. 14th
Seated leg press 1x5 210 lb, 3x5 230
Hamstring machine 4x5 30 lbs
Seated leg curl machine 4x5 50 lbs
Leg extension machine 4x5 50 lbs
Adductor machine 87.5 lbs
Abductor machine 87.5 lbs
Torso rotation machine 4x5 80 lbs each side
Octane machine 1 mile forgot to write time
Saturday Nov. 15th
Rear Delt Machine 1x10 30 lbs 2x10 50 lbs
Cybex machine Lat pull-down 4x5 60 lbs
Cybex machine rope triceps pull-down 4x10 50 lbs
Back extension machine 4x10 100 lbs
Octane machine 2.83 miles in 15 min.
Sunday Nov. 16th
Torso rotation machine each side 3x5 80lbs
Abs coaster machine (might I say crazy machine lol) 3x10 30 lbs
Abs crunch machine 1x10 50 lbs couldn't finish set impingement hurt trying to lift arm on pad to do crunch. This one will be a NO NO exercise until after rehab of shoulder.
Abs machine 4x10 45 lbs did oblique's only
Torso rotation machine, round 2, each side 3x10 80 lbs
Wrist exercises w/dumbbell 3x10 3 lb
Between fractured foot, shoulder impingement, death in the family, my car engine taking a poop, I managed to still fit in my workouts. I had the choice to just have my boo hoos and cover my head and not do a dang thing. Mind you I did do that for a day. I gave myself a day off to just cry, vent to loved ones, and then I got a grip and got my focus back.
In life we have 3 choices, one, take what life gives you, two, give up, three, fight for what you are entitled to have. Health and happiness!
As many times life has knocked me down, from some where deep inside I have a fire burning, telling me never to quit. I often forget that fire is there, but thank goodness I have a great support system, she is amazing in keeping me motivated, my dear love, I thank goodness for her.
So in your days that are filled with kids fighting, people bitching, bills hounding, remember you need to find time to better you. If you don't you will be as miserable as the problems chasing you.
Peace, health,happiness

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Weekly workout- Nov 3-9 2014

November 3-9 2014 workouts

Nov 3 

Nov 4th
did circuit
chest press/row
ab crunch/back extension
chest fly/reverse fly
pull down/shoulder press
hip sled
bicep curl/triceps extension
leg extension
did 2 circuits 1 min per exercise

Nov 5th

Nov 6th

Nov 7th

Nov 8th
Cable cross machine twist 4x5 40 lbs
Cable cross machine twist 1x10 30 lbs
Abs machine 3x10 60 lbs
Dead lift w/triceps row 3x10 110 lbs.
Hammer curls 3x10 each side 15 lbs.
Cybex triceps rope pull down 1x10 50 lbs., 1x10 60 lbs.
Cybex lat pull-down  1x10 60 lbs., 1x5 70 lbs.
Back extension 2x10 110 lbs.
Seated leg press 2x10 210 lbs.
Leg extension 1x10 50 lbs., 1x10 70 lbs.
Seated leg curl 3x5 70 lbs.
Hip adduction 3x10 75 lbs.
Hip abduction 3x10 70 lbs.
Torso rotation 3x10 each side 80 lbs 
Octane machine 10 min 1.88 miles

What a fun new machine we have at the gym, Do to foot fracture I have had to redo my cardio plan. So I started using a recumbent bicycle, I really hated it, so when I seen our gym had a new machine I tried it. I really enjoy the workout and finally broke a sweat. Here is a video to let you see what I have been using since I cant run yet.

Nov 9th

Belly on ball w/3 lb. barbell shoulder lateral raise 4x10
Green band P.T. workout for 20 minutes for shoulder pain I have been having
Black band alternating bicep curl 4x10
Rear Deltoid machine 4x10 50 lbs.
Fly machine  4x10 9 lbs
Lateral raise machine 4x10 12.5 lbs.
Cybex bicep/tricep 4x10 30lbs.

This week has been full of trials and heart aches. for a minute I let all other things in my life get to me. I forgot to remember the bigger picture of life instead of worrying about things out of my control. It is funny as woman we want to do all and be all for our families. It is not until you humble your self and ask for help, that you truly find in you what you knew you had all along, STRENGTH! 
So no excuses my dears, get out and be the best you!


Monday, November 3, 2014

Workouts for 10-27-14 to 11-2-14

Monday 10-27-14

Leg extension machine 3x10 50 lbs.
Seated leg curl machine 3x10 50 lbs.
Hip abduction machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Hip adduction machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Back extension 1x10 70 lbs. 1x10 90 lbs. 1x10 110 lbs.
Sit up w/ball 3x10
Side leg lift w/ band (heavy resistance) each side 3x10
Side shuffle w/band (heavy resistance) each side 1x10
Stretch 15 minutes

Tuesday 10-28-14

Cable cross machine twist 3x10 35 lbs.
Cybex machine Modular Lat pull-down 2x10 60 lbs.
Cybex machine rope triceps pull-down  3x10 50 lbs.
Chest press machine 3x10 30 lbs.
Bicep #8 machine concentration curl right arm 3x10 30 lbs. Left arm 3x10 15 lbs. (left shoulder still touchy)
Bicep #8 machine bicep curl right arm 3x10 30 lbs. 3x10 15 lbs.
Lateral raise machine 3x10 12.5 lbs.
On ball side Lat raise 3x10 5 lbs.
On ball  Arnold Press 3x10 5 lbs.
Stretch 15 minutes

So I was told I have fractures in my right foot when I went to Dr. Tuesday afternoon. So I have to where a boot for the next 6-8 weeks. So my workouts will be modified to be able to keep working toward my goals :)

Wednesday 10-29-14

Hamstring #2 machine left leg 3x10 10 lbs. right leg 3x10 with my boot only
Hip adduction machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Hip abduction machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Abs machine oblique each side 3x10 60 lbs.
Squats w/20 lb. weighted ball 2x10
Leg extension machine 1x10 50 lbs. 1x10 40 lbs. 1x10 35 lbs.
Torso rotation (my new fav machine at gym) machine 3x10 50 lbs.
Back extension machine 3x10 110 lbs.
Encombrant bike 30 minutes 5.68 miles
Stretch 15 minutes

WEIGH IN DAY! = 175.2 OMG I am 15 lbs. away from my 100 lb. loss :)
My goal is to hit that before Dec. 31st 2014

Thursday 10-30-14

Alternating triceps kick back 3x10 15 lb. dumbbell
Alternating hammer curl 3x10 15 lbs. dumbbell
Arnold press 3x10 5 lbs.
Alternating biceps curl 1x10 15 lbs. 1x10 10 lbs. dumbbell
Dead lift with bar 3x10 110 lbs.
Biceps curl w/bar 3x10 50 lbs.
Reverse biceps curl w/bar 3x10 50 lbs.
Cybex machine rope triceps pull-down 3x10 50 lbs.
Cybex modular Lat pull-down 3x10 50 lbs.
Lateral raise machine 3x10 12.5 lbs.
Cable cross machine twist 3x10 35 lbs.
Cable cross machine shoulder press 3x10 15 lbs.
Bicep machine #8 left arm 3x10 15 lbs. right arm 3x10 35 lbs.
Fly machine 1x10 1x5 18 lbs.
Back extension machine 3x10 110 lbs.
Torso rotation machine each side 3x10 70 lbs.
Abs crunch machine 3x10 50 lbs.
Row/rear deltoid machine 3x10 50 lbs.
Chest press 3x10 30 lbs.
Encombrant bike 30 minutes 5.60 miles
Stretch 15 minutes

Friday 10-31-14

Seated leg curl machine 4x12 30 lbs.
Leg extension machine 4x12 30 lbs.
Hip abduction machine 4x12 75 lbs.
Hip adduction machine 4x12 75 lbs.
Rotary calf machine 4x12 50 lbs. left leg only
Torso rotation machine each side 4x12 70 lbs.
Back extension machine 4x12 90 lbs.
Kettle Bell lunges pass through legs 2x10 25 lbs.
Kettle Bell dead lift 1x12 25 lbs.
Seated leg press 3x10 190 lbs.
Abs machine 1x12 30 lbs. 1x12 35 lbs. 1x12 40 lbs. 1x12 45 lbs.
Ab crunch machine #18 3x12 50 lbs.
Bridge hold 10 sec 3x10
Encombrant Bike 15:44 3 miles
Stretch 15 minutes

Saturday 11-1-14

Fly wheel 4x10 10 lbs.
Lateral raise 4x10 10 lbs.
Alternating hammer curl 4x10 15 lbs.
Bicep curl w/bar 4x10 60 lbs.
Reverse bicep curl w/bar 4x10 60 lbs.
Dead lift w/bar 4x10 110 lbs.
Triceps kick back 1x10 15 lbs. dumbbell
Cybex machine rope triceps pull-down 4x10 50 lbs.
Cybex machine modular Lat pull-down 3x5 70 lbs.
Lateral raise machine 3x10 12.5 lbs.
Row/rear deltoid machine 4x10 50 lbs.
Torso rotation machine each side 2x10 75 lbs.
Side lateral raise on ball 4x10 10 lbs. dumbbell
Stretch 15 minutes

Sunday 11-2-14

As I reflect back on my week, I really am impressed with the strength I'm gaining adding in weights. I was able to up my weight(poundage) in a few areas and I'm feeling stronger day by day. This coming week I want to really try some new moves and machines.  Got to keep that body guessing and not complacent. Time to do some research :)

peace, health, happiness

Friday, October 31, 2014

Goals, goals and more goals...

I'm so excited from this weeks weigh in. I didn't realize it until I took a moment to sit down and fill in my weight loss book, but I'm only 15 lbs from making my 100 lbs weight loss and 35 lbs from my goal weight!!
I have been on this journey for a few decades, losing  30-40 pounds then gain it all back and then some. Lose another 50-60, then sabotage myself and gain some of the weight back. I usually fluctuated from 190 to 220, but I never let myself get to 260 again. I was good at keeping my weight in my comfort zone. I knew what my life was like at that weight, I knew what to expect from others when I was that weight. I just was comfortable.

It wasn't until I stepped out of my comfort zone I truly found myself and what my body can and will accomplish. Was I comfortable being the biggest girl in the exercise classes? NO, but I did them. Was I comfortable when I ran on the treadmill and it sounded like a heard of buffalo? NO, but I did it any way. No matter what comes your way don't let the stares and jaunts of others keep you from being the best you!

I always get a kick out of slipping on jeans that last month was to tight, wearing a t-shirt and looking good in it. Little things to most but for us that have been on a roller coaster ride of weight loss, this is such a great feeling. Keep that feeling in the front of your mind at all times. Know that the hours you put into your body at the gym , home gym, or outside,  will reward you for years to come. Your reward for all that hard work will be great. Please don't give up!!

Take your power back, don't let others make you think you cant be the person you was meant to be. If they find fault in you being your best then maybe you should let them know you will no longer tolerate that form of abuse. To dim another persons shine IS a form of abuse and should never be tolerated!!

So onto my next goal, 15 lbs to go by DEC. 31st 2014 :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Workouts for Oct. 20th-26th 2014

Monday Oct. 20th 2014

Helix intervals 20 min 1.85 miles
Triceps #7 machine 1x10 @ 30 lbs., 2x10 @ 25 lbs.
Bicep #8 machine 3x10 @ 30 lbs.
Abs machine front 1x10 @ 25 lbs. Both side 1x10 @ 30 lbs.
Modular Lat pull-down 1x10 @ 50 lbs., 2x10 @ 40 lbs.
Bicep with free weight 3x10 @ 15 lbs. alternating bicep
Shoulder abduction on ball w/free weight 3x10 @ 5 lbs.
Stretch 15 min.

Tuesday Oct. 21st 2014

Recumbent bike 2 miles in 11 min.
Precor machine 1 mile in 13:11min.
Weighted walking lunge 3x10 20 lbs.
Rotary calf machine 4x10 110 lbs.
Kettle bell pass through walking lunge 3x10 25 lbs.
Dead lift w/bar 1x10 70 lbs., 1x10 90 lbs., 1x10 110 lbs.
Ball slam 3x10 @ 12 lb. ball
Single leg dead lift w/kettle bell 3x10 each side w/ 25 lb. kettle bell
Stretch 15 min.

Wednesday Oct. 22nd 2014

Swim 2 hrs.

Thursday Oct. 23rd. 2014

Off- had a yard sale, and let me tell you I was sore come Friday and I have the bruises to show for all the hard work I did lol!

Friday Oct. 24th. 2014

Cable cross machine / wood chop high to low 3x10 @ 35 lbs.
Cable cross machine / wood chop low to high 3x10 @ 35lbs.
Abs machine / did oblique 3x10 each side @ 50 lbs.
Bicep #8 machine concentration curl left shoulder hurt so did 10 @ 35 lbs.
right arm 5 @ 50 lbs. 5 @ 35 lbs.
Modular Lat pull-down 5 @60 lbs. 5 @70 lbs. 5 @60 lbs.
Triceps pull down 3x5 @60 lbs.
Dead lift w/bar  3x10 110 lbs.
Stretch 15 min.

Saturday Oct. 25th. 2014

Swim 2 hrs.

Sunday Oct. 26th. 2014


I have had to modify my workouts due to my shoulder and foot pain. I made appointment w/Dr. to see if I have stress fracture in foot, not happy this will put a halt to my running for a while. So I will be making modifications to my cardio and strength training for the next 8 weeks.

Make this coming week a good one!! Your body does not lie, it does reflect what we eat and physically do throughout the week, so go make a beautiful reflection!!

peace, health,happiness

Friday, October 24, 2014

Weekend is here...and so is the food intake nightmares

The weekend is here and so is the dreaded binges. 
I don't know about you but the weekends are my hardest time to say no to sweetness. I enjoy relaxing, having some sweets on the weekend spending time with family. Is this a problem? Well it is when you make it into a all out weekend binge. 
My trick is to make sure I don't deprive myself a awesome yummy treat or two. I have learned if you deprive yourself of the things in life you can not have, you just end up stuffing yourself with every thing you can get your hands on. Then come  Monday morning your beating yourself up for binge eating.  The viscous cycle will, mark my words, continue until you admit to yourself you have a eating disorder and need help.

Help comes to those who ask!
You can continue this love hate relationship with food or you can search for the reason behind why it is you feel the need to eat your feelings. It is a scary thing to do, but so is dying from obesity and leaving the ones you love behind.

I have had so many health issues, and I believe it all boils down to my struggle with food. I have had many years of yo-yo dieting and this is very taxing on the body. Of course my body will fight back, it has no clue why I deprived, then binge, then deprived it again. All it knows is it is trying to keep up with the demand I put on my internal organs. I shouldn't be surprised that sickness has shown up in other areas of my health. 
This year has been full of learning experiences. I've finally come to terms with my eating disorder and I really take the time everyday to question if I'm being good to me or am I eating for other reasons. My body answers my questions daily by either getting ill from nasty food, or makes me feel alive from healthy foods. With this said I feel like you really need to pay attention to how your body responds and then you can make the wise choice not to be bad to your self by eating to much garbage.

You are worthy of living healthy and hunger free. You don't need to abuse yourself any more, the past is the past, leave it there. DO NOT go another day making excuses why you eat the way you do! Get plenty of exercise in, and don't say I'm to busy, squats can be done doing dishes! So if there IS a will there IS a way!!
DO NOT let those head demons win!

Love your body, its the only place you have to live!!
Have a blessed weekend

Monday, October 20, 2014

Workouts for Oct 13-19

Workout Log for Oct 13-19
Monday 13th
Cardio Circuit
Stair Master 15 flights in 5 minutes
Treadmill .5 miles @ 5 in 5:29
Stair Master 15 flights in 4:11
Treadmill .5 miles @ 5 in 5:33
Helix 1 mile in 9:25
Strength Training
Triceps kick backs on ball, overhead, bent over, 3x10 w/10 lb. dumbbell
Bicep seated concentration 10 each side
Bicep forward and backward standing curls 10 each side
Kettle bell shrug 3x10 20 lb.
Lat pull-down with rope, bar, 3x10 30 lb. single arm 10 each arm 30 lb.
Stretch 15 min
Tues. 14th.
Strength Training
Seated leg press 3x10 170 lbs.
Cable Cross machine hamstring kick back 3x10 30 lbs.
Calf machine 2x10 30 lbs. 20 100 lbs.
Leg extension machine 3x10 50 lbs.
Hip adduction machine 3x10 75lbs
Hip abduction machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Squats w/weighted ball 3x10 20lbs.
Stretch 15 min.
Wed. 15th
Treadmill 2 miles @ 5.2 in 23:17
Strength Training
Triceps cable machine #7 10/30lbs
Ab machine 3x10 front, both sides
Rope pull down 3x10 40 lbs.
Modular Lat pull-down 3x10 50 lbs.
176.1 lbs.
Thurs. 16th
Stair Master 15 flights in 4:52
Treadmill .5 miles @ 5.5 in 5:37
Stair Master 15 flights in 3:52
Treadmill .5 miles @ 5.5 in 5:35
Stair Master 15 flights in 4:07
Treadmill .5 @ 5.5 in 5:33
Strength Training
Ab Machine front, both sides 3x10 30 lbs.
Leg press 3x10 170 lbs.
Cable Cross machine hamstring kick back 3x10 30 lbs.
Stretch 15 min.
Fri. 17th
Helix (rolling hills) 1.89 miles in 20 min.
Precor c846i bike 2 miles in 14:37
Strength Training
Ab Machine front, both sides 3x10 40 lbs.
Cable Cross machine wood chop high to low 3x10 45 lbs.
Bicep machine # 8 2 arm curl  10 @ 35 lbs.
Bicep Machine # 8 concentrated curl 10 @ 35 lbs.
Lat Machine #4 10 @ 35 lbs.  10 @ 40 lbs. 10 @ 45 lbs.
Stretch 15 min.
SAT. 18th-OFF
Sun. 19th
Bike 2 miles in 13:11
Strength Training
Cable Cross machine hamstring kick back 3x10 35 lbs.
Calf machine # 3 3x10 120 lbs.
Seated leg press 3x10 170 lbs.
Ab machine side bends 3x10 each side 50 lbs.
Abductor machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Adductor machine 3x10 75 lbs.
Russian side twist lunges 3x10 each side w/weighted ball 20lbs.
Side to side squats w/resistance band (med) 3x10 w/weighted ball 20 lbs.
Stretch 15 min.
The end of a long week!
I have had a few struggles with low glucose levels. Not sure if it is because In raised my workout up to a hr to hr 1/2? This week I will work really hard on learning correct fueling. It has been so hard to eat right when I get up, I'm always so nauseated in the morning, but after my episode at the gym I will make sure to fuel correctly, falling out in front of strangers is not my goal in this.
Goals for this coming week:
To work on food intake, I will eat every 2-3 hrs. 
Eating less processed food
Get the sleep I need to recover from the workouts
Have a blessed week all!
Live healthy, happy, and wise

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

workouts for Oct. 6th to 12th 2014 plus wed weigh ins

So this week I made it my mission to really do as I speak!
I'm a great talker now lets get to business so I reflect on the out side how I feel on the inside.

Monday Oct. 6th 2014 


20 floors on Stair master in 6:45
2.26 miles on Helix in 20 min

Strength train

20 lb weighted ball crunches x20
20 lb weighted ball Russian twist x20
Seated leg press 190 lb 2x10

Tues. 7th


20 floors on Stair Master in 6:14
1 mile on Nordic Track in 10:41

Strength train

Arm extension 20@30 lb
Over head press 20@15 lb
Lat Pull down 10@25 lb

Wed. 8th


20 floors on Stair Master in 6:18
1 mile on Nordic Track in 10:05
2.35 miles on Helix in 20 min

Strength Train

20 lb weighted ball crunches x20
20 lb weighted ball Russian twist x20
Calf press machine 120 lb 3x10
Seated Leg press 190 lb x 5 / 170 lb x 5 / 150 lb x5

Wed. weigh in day: 178.6

Thursday 9th


Treadmill 2 miles in 22 min

Friday 10th

TRX class 1 hr was crazy hard and I was sore for 3 days hehe!

Sat. 11th

Sunday 12th


Bike 2:11 miles in 18 min

Strength Train

Circuit 3x10
Bose w/14 lb ball side to side jumps
Step ups on platform 44 lb bar bell
Butt lifts on balance ball
Squats on half foam roller(to add tilt) w/30 lb hand weights
Sliders with 14 lb weighted ball

So this was my week. Was hard to fit in but I'm tired of making excuses. NO EXCUSES!
So onto another hard week of work, cant wait to tell you all about it come next Monday, sorry this one was 2 days late but with my schedule and memory, it is hard to remember to write in my blog.

I will leave you with this great quote I found

I know I will!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

You have the key!

Can you believe it, we are now in the 10th month of this year! Has it went as planed? How many of you just threw in the white flag?

I have had many ups and many downs, but for the most part I'm on track to making my goal by Dec 31st. I'm excited on so many levels, but in another token, scared as all get out. I have 18 lbs to reach my 100 lb weight loss since I started this journey so many years ago. I have gained and loss this so many times. Now I'm dedicated to keep it off. I have 38 lbs to go to reach my all time goal of 140 lbs. I know I will get there so keep in touch and watch me work :)

Why is it we put so much pressure on ourselves? I know for me it is the fact someone once told me I was going to end up a no body, fat, and unlovable. I once used these words to fuel my food addiction, now I use these haunting words to fuel my workouts.

We all hold the key to our own happiness. Some may just not have the will or want to use that key. The just keep it in their back pocket in fear of what may lay ahead of them on the other side of that door. There is something comfortable being over weight. No one bugs you with unnecessarily whistles. No one borrows our clothes. No one expect anything from you. You just blend in and stay out of view of others around you. Then reality hits you dead square in the eye, you pass a mirror and there is no hiding the fact you are unhealthy, wishing you could just blend in. Funny how blending in works, isn't it?

So why are you not using that key? Happiness is just on the other side of the door. What you waiting for?

Tomorrow I will start posting my daily workouts with pics, time to get this machine in fine tune :)
Best to you and yours may you have a healthy and happy day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

refocus regroup do what you have a passion for

I did it! I made another goal of mine, I'm officially a ISSA certified personal trainer!!
This past year has been full of many ups and downs. I have had deaths, loss of relationships, new beginnings. With all this said I amaze myself I made it through 8 months of school to accomplish the goal of becoming a C.P.T.
I just wish I could have felt the happiness a little more, with so many things going on I haven't had a chance to really celebrate. I found myself wanting to have a food pity party but I realized I cant do that if I want to be able to help others. How can I teach others my knowledge and not practice what I preach.
 So my next goal is to be what I want others to be, healthy and fit.

Fail to plan, plan on failing, as the great Jillian Michael always says! So onto new adventures...
Starting this week I will be adding new things daily on my site so please stay tuned, I also added another web page of mine feel free to visit

Best of health to you and yours ~Shawn

Friday, July 4, 2014

I fell off the wagon!

This past month has been a dozy for me. I just haven't been feeling well and in bad moods a lot. I just felt out of control and in turn I did the only thing my brain knows how to do, feed my emotions with food. I can not blame it on one single person or event, I just have myself to blame because I knew better, I just chose what felt good to me at that moment. Now I'm up 3.8 lbs from June 1st, and I'm not a happy camper. I'm over the pain of invisible diseases and this weight problem I have!

It is funny how it just creeps up on you, a lb here, a lb there, before you know it you are up 5 lbs. It is so hard to always worry about what goes in your mouth. I just wish I could be one of those people who can just eat and never gain an ounce. 
It hit me like a brick this week when I went to get dolled up for a date with my love, we were going to dinner and a concert. I had to have went through countless pretty numbers and just felt like a stuffed sausage in everyone of them :( to me this was crushing, one of my fav things to do is dress up. So I kind of just blew it off a minute and said I wasn't going to let that get me down. I did how ever several times through out dinner I thought dam these pants are tight. I need to get a grip and watch what I eat, (as I shoveled in my fat laden food into my mouth) yeah I watched it go into my mouth at dinner lol.
When we arrive at the concert I totally had forgotten this weight issue that was paging my mind. I was enjoying the people watching as we waited in line. I love seeing all sorts of different back ground and all shapes and sizes of people. I couldn't help but notice a lot of people my age are so over weight and jolly about it, well it seemed they was, who knows if they feel the same as I? But any who, I was thinking what makes us as we get older just not care? Even the group's lead singer, I was there to see, was over weight!

Then as I was getting all comfortable in my chair I see this:

My heart broke for her! She couldn't fit into the chair and stayed perched like that through out the show. It took me back to a dark place when I too couldn't fit into a ride at the carnival, I was so embarrassed and had to get off the ride. I remember my daughters face and the look she gave was like no other. I remember that being one of the defining reasons I started my weight loss journey. Now 80 lbs down I still feel like the picture above. I still obsess with saggy skin, not having jeans fit right because of it. But its moments like this I remember how far I have come and makes me feel grateful I got to get up at that concert and shake my tush, and the best part, I fit into the seat!

So when you feel like a failure because you ate that cheese cake, just remember how far you have come and where you want to be. Do not stop because you feel like you just cant deal, press on an know this too shall pass. Here are 10 ways to help stay on the wagon:

Refocus, commit!!
 Have a blessed 4th of July and be good too you!