Monday, January 14, 2013

I never finish what I star....

I wish I could say I have, but I have never been at my goal weight. I make excuses, I fall off the wagon, I talk and don't do.
 I was having one of those days where you watch all the biggest losers, and I thought about all the time I have waisted being fat. So many of us say we will do it on Monday, we don't have time, we hate eating right, there are so many outs and excuses! One of the ladies said it perfectly, don't wait to be on the biggest loser, what are you waiting for? You are waisting time you will never get back!
I need to stop waisting my time and jeopardizing time with my family in the future.
The other day I put a pair of jeans on that I haven't worn in a while and dang they were tight as all get out! I was horrified, I gained over 20 lbs this pass year. I just couldn't get out of my funk. I felt like why for? I have a spouse who loves me for me, I OK with being fat, etc, etc. Well I'm not happy with this fact, far from it.
So this week is with new eyes, new motivation, a new sense of self.
My best to all of you out there this is so hard!
 Word from our good book:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Staying on track

This past week has been a very hard week when coming to food choices. My stove went and took a dump and so I had to resort to microwaved foods, foods that are cold, foods from a fast food place. I tell you after a week of that food I feel bloated and sick. I had several flare ups and my hypoglycemia was awful to deal with.
I cant believe we are so dependant on ovens! I tell you I don't want to do that again. So the choices I made was not to good. I ate stuff that was fast and not nutritionally sound for sure. I guess I could have ate salads or figured out a way to eat healthy. I guess I just loss track of tracking.
So comes the derailment again, another failure! I just don't understand my mind some times, I know what I should do but when it comes down to it I have to find a way to think before I stuff my mouth.
So this week I will challenge myself to keep on track. I will do these things and as I do them I will report on the f.b. site that it is done and keep myself accountable to others in the group.
1. will ride bike 1/2 hr daily
2. will walk at mall 2x's a week
3. will do 50 sit ups every am m-f
4. will stick to 5 mini meals a day
5. will track water intake
This weeks passage from the good book:
Remember every day the choice is yours! How bad do you want this??

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year 2013

A new year is upon us and we are in making list and checking it twice mode!
I have had this on my mind since the last list I made last Jan. 1st. 2012.
I am a list maker, a double checker but if I have followed through, well that's another question. I have made tons of list in my life time and I'm still trying to complete just one. So as I make another list and have all these goals and hopes for the coming year, I have come to conclusion....I will, until the day I pass, make list and check them twice and guess what?? That's OK!
What ever works for you to get you through another year in this thing we call life, then do it, make those list, make those goals, have hope :)
There are so many things that go into weight loss. If you think It is just eating right and exercising then you need a brain over haul!
I'm not saying this to be rude, mean or obnoxious. I'm saying this because after so many years of yo-yo diets, I know this to be true.
Weight loss
1. Diet
This word DIET, ugh, what a word. Should be called I feel like I'm going die-because of it! I feel like there should be no such thing, as long as we eat whole we will naturally be where we need to be. I know those splurges feel so good and taste so heavenly, the choice is always yours.  This, I know,  is easier said then done, right! Well that leads us to # 2
2. Effort
We can go weeks saying, well this next week I will try again. That diet didn't work, I was to sick-feeling. I deserve this treat, I worked so hard. I had a bad day, I deserve a treat. The effort you put into it is the product you will have as an outcome. This again is a choice that's is souly yours.
3. Food
Does it really matter what I eat, as long as I stay in my calorie count? The answer, yes of course. I can give you a handful of chips and a handful of fruit, both with same calorie count. What do you think will happen to my body chemistry eating one verses the other? My body is a machine and we should treat it as such!
 4. Fitness
I'm not saying be a fit-freak(not that there is anything wrong with that) but just get moving more. It can be as little as parking far from the door to get a little walking in.
Just get moving.
5. Calories
I myself don't like to follow this because we have way to much pressure as is! I do how ever make sure to stay around 3-400 calories per meal or snack, this just gives me a gage if I'm heading for a binge.
6. Energy
With all these components in place we will receive energy our body makes out of the nutrition we put in. I know when I eat bad I feel like poo for a few days. The choice is yours, Is that chocolate worth the headache, some days it may be, so again the choice is yours.
7. Health
If you follow all these you will come to the end of 2013 feeling like you have conquered the demon and the reward is HEALTH!
This week I want you to set goals and post them, share them with loved ones, make it known! This year I will ......
My goal is to be ....
I want to do....
1> Set Goal make it known, you are more likely to try to achieve if you brag about it.
2> Make a plan, plan on how you will deal with all the pit falls as well as how you will get to your goal. Our worst enemy is ourselves!
3> Get to work! Get to it, don't say I will tomorrow because tomorrow will never come.
4>Stick to it!! Don't give up when it gets hard or you fall short, get back at it, start over if you must but never EVER give up!
5> God willing ...REACH YOUR GOAL in 2013!!
Be good to you in 2013!