Sunday, February 16, 2014

Turning my frown upside down :)

O' how I felt this way yesterday! I completed a 5k and I wasn't at all to happy on my condition before/during/after the race. I was huffing and a puffin but what do I expect when I didn't train properly!

So a lesson learned! After a whole day sulking around, complaining on how bad my run was, I finally took a step back and said, dam Shawn, you just plain forgot to enjoy the run itself. I didn't even think, dang I'm proud of myself for making it to the run, after all my health battles during the week leading up to the race, that was a feat in itself. Booo on me!!

We, I think, are our hardest critics. I find myself being so judgmental when it comes to myself, well lets get real, I'm just that way by nature. I love to over analyze things to death and some times get disgusted with myself for some of the comments that come out my mouth.

One of my many vices I need to work on for sure. I need to be more caring with myself. Treat myself like I like to treat others (funny to write that backwards by the way lol), so time to be kind to myself. Start giving myself credit where credit is due.

The past week had its ups and downs, still unsure of what is causing me to feel so bad. I just don't have faith in modern medicine any more. I will eat as clean as I can and take my vitamins and cure my own dam self. These Dr.'s are so fast to line their pockets by saying see this Dr., well he cant figure it out go see the other Dr. ugh bunch of b.s. I think!

So onto a new week of endless possibilities, how I enjoy them is up to me :)

3 Lesson's I learned this week:

*Be kind to myself, being critical only makes me feel like a failure
*Live in the moment, because as soon as it passes there is no getting it back
*Give myself credit for the little things, they all add up in the end

My inspiration for this coming week: (as my little sis pointed out to me)

                                                    My best to you and yours,
                                                Stay Healthy, Happy, and Wise :)

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