Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Excuses, excuses!!

I have made excuses all my life, be it for me or someone I love.
Its funny some days when I get these light-balb moments! I know that I have to be the one who changes. I get mad some days wen I get told, do this, do that, and guess who I take it out on? ME!! I eat wat ever dont exercise and I wonder why I dont lose weight? I know why I dont lose, its a matter of getting te "want" back.
In earlier blogs Ive writted all about sabotage and what I need to do. I just cant seem to have te "want". Today I woke up and talked to my mom, she was letting me know my sister had a great time (as in tick tock time) running a 5k yesterday. One second I'm feeling so happy for her then in the next moment I was jealous. As most of you know I suffer from Fobro and its taking its toll on me mentally and physically. I so bad to do those tings, I want to run and be free ( in my head when I run), I love to run and exercise, oh how I miss it.
So I need to get in gear, last few days I just ave been in the "I dont give a flip" mode. I looked at the calendar and realized the challenge myself and my sister have is almost done! Next wed we are to weigh-in and see wo won, I know already it wasnt me! I have even gained, Im so dissapointed in myself!
I have to start putting me first, I always put others in front of ME! So no more excuses lets kick some ass this week Shawn!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shawn, I read your post on Biggest Loser website and found your blog. I too have had weight issues and used all the fad diets you can think of...I have had my ups and downs.with weight loss since I was young. From reading your posts it seems like we have a lot in common...I now a year and half later am down 86lbs its not easy but if you would like my help, I would love to help you! My email is message me anytime!


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