Saturday, May 5, 2012


Everyday you have the decision to make the best out of your day.
I, (most days), start off on the right foot, but by night I'm all over the place. I try to stay on the right track with my eating but at night man it hits me. I feel like eating the whole fridge tell yeah!
When I thought I'd never get out of this cycle of night time binges here comes my saving grace. A book about people living with Fibro. I was like, oh no another book, I know I will read and learn not a dang thing. Well I read the book, well I should say Im reading the book, and I've already implemented the diet starting on May 3rd. The first phase of the diet is strict but for some odd reason I'm doing good? I don't have the cravings to binge at night, mind you the first day on this my body was not happy with the withdraws, but I'm doing it. I cant believe in just a few short days I'm feeling really good about this. Like other fad diets this isnt one of them, this is a way of eating for life for me, the book promices that in 2 months I will feel less pain, so I marked that date as July 3rd 2012, I should feel like a new woman.
For those who dont know me I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and a host of issues steaming from that diagnosis, 13 years ago. In those 13 years Ive had my moments of being disabled both mentally and physically. Ive seen a million and one Dr's all perscribing different meds, till one day I took charge and said no more! I took back my life and got off 12 different meds and now Im only on vitamins and food.
I will not give up this fight! I'm in charge here!
 Though I feel like I'm getting better at excepting what I have to live with until I pass and go onto a new place, I still have a battle raging inside me. The battle with obesity. I will not let it win, and for over 20 years we have been at war. I will be in charge of my destinty and I dont want it filled with healthcare issues that steam from my eating behaviors.
So onto a new chapter in my life, Im excited to see how I feel come July, Im excited to feel less pain and do things Ive been wanting to do for years.
My best to my friends in cyber world and may today bring you many blessings!

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