Sunday, February 23, 2014

Lesson learned? Not!

On a daily basis we are left to our own devises, trying to figure out what next step to take in this crazy game we call life. A daily battle with our brains and all the input we interpret and perceive that is given to us by media, family, friends, co-workers, etc.. Funny thing perception! We go on health kicks because of it, we end relationships over it, we get pissed off because of it. Who are they to run our lives? Did you choose that to happen? Or did it seep into your mind and intern you thought you had to follow? I seen a post today and I loved this quote:
Nope. Skilled sailors do not come from smooth seas. If you aren't headed into a storm, currently in the middle of a storm, or just coming out of a storm - you're doing it wrong. Only dead fish go with the flow. — with Karly R Hill.
I will be my own captain of my ship!
I will not allow others, me, myself and I to run this cruise ship into the ground. I have one vessel and I want to keep her moving along the beautiful seas of life.
So this week I beg you to step back, look into the mirror daily and tell yourself what you expect of yourself that day, what you will not tolerate of yourself that day and what you will do to bless yourself that day. Sounds funny but I'm telling you, ones perception is changed once the mind grasp the thoughts you give it. If you do not put positive, affirmative thoughts into it, you will always fall back on negative thoughts people have put there in the past. Move on from that and know you can change!
Goal for the coming week:
Being mindful of what types of food I put in me.
I went out to eat last night and ordered the most amazing dish. It was one of my past all time favs at this little Mexican dive. Well 3 am hit and where was I? In the bathroom throwing up my guts. My tummy just cant handle junk any more. Just trips me out. The foods I once needed and craved daily, I now have no tolerance for. Its like my body said NO to my minds saying EAT IT. Did I learn my lesson? I'm sure I didn't, I am human you know. But I'm going to try really hard to remember my bodies NO!!
My inspiration for this coming week:
I go-go-go!
Why you ask?
Because I CAN!!
My best to you and yours,
                                                Stay Healthy, Happy, and Wise :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Turning my frown upside down :)

O' how I felt this way yesterday! I completed a 5k and I wasn't at all to happy on my condition before/during/after the race. I was huffing and a puffin but what do I expect when I didn't train properly!

So a lesson learned! After a whole day sulking around, complaining on how bad my run was, I finally took a step back and said, dam Shawn, you just plain forgot to enjoy the run itself. I didn't even think, dang I'm proud of myself for making it to the run, after all my health battles during the week leading up to the race, that was a feat in itself. Booo on me!!

We, I think, are our hardest critics. I find myself being so judgmental when it comes to myself, well lets get real, I'm just that way by nature. I love to over analyze things to death and some times get disgusted with myself for some of the comments that come out my mouth.

One of my many vices I need to work on for sure. I need to be more caring with myself. Treat myself like I like to treat others (funny to write that backwards by the way lol), so time to be kind to myself. Start giving myself credit where credit is due.

The past week had its ups and downs, still unsure of what is causing me to feel so bad. I just don't have faith in modern medicine any more. I will eat as clean as I can and take my vitamins and cure my own dam self. These Dr.'s are so fast to line their pockets by saying see this Dr., well he cant figure it out go see the other Dr. ugh bunch of b.s. I think!

So onto a new week of endless possibilities, how I enjoy them is up to me :)

3 Lesson's I learned this week:

*Be kind to myself, being critical only makes me feel like a failure
*Live in the moment, because as soon as it passes there is no getting it back
*Give myself credit for the little things, they all add up in the end

My inspiration for this coming week: (as my little sis pointed out to me)

                                                    My best to you and yours,
                                                Stay Healthy, Happy, and Wise :)

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Long Journey to who knows where?

I know I have a long way to go but I sure happy from where I came!
The best thing is to have someone say you look amazing, or you look way different. I've worked so hard for so long at trying to be the best me, the way I felt on the inside.
Now a size 12 :)
 I had issues with depression over it, that in itself made me just not care, and over eat what ever I got my hands on. Then I would start all over the next week and proclaim my willingness to give it another go. I just knew I was stuck in a vicious cycle of eating, gaining, deprivation, losing. This yo-yo's string was about to snap!
So I said, go to hell so called "DIETS"!!, and I'm learning to have a new relationship with whole foods. I try to keep my junk food eating down to a few times a week, but I don't say no to anything, ever!
                                        Provolone Chicken w/veggies yummy!
 If I want a taste I taste and then move on. The trick is not to over due it, plus who likes the belly ache that comes with it? This,for me, is working. After so many years of trial and error I think I hit gold :)
This brings me to my next goal:
Fit into a size 8!
Size 8!
 I went and bought a pair of size 8's. The ones I'm pictured in above was my last years goal pants size 12. In January of last year I was in a size 16-18. I know I can do it if I put my mind to it, I have come to far to turn back now.
Another step in becoming the person I was meant to be!
The past weeks my runs have been going ok, missed a few but I'm sure I will do fine in next weeks Birthday race. I have been having a lot of medical issues and with the scope coming next week I'm looking forward to knowing what is causing all these ailments and how to cure/help them. Knowledge is power and I intend to keep my power :)
Next week I also turn the big 42! Wow how time flies, but I have to say I feel better at 42 then at 22 when I was over weight and loss in the world of nothingness.
I will never let my self feel so low again, Never! I now know and have faced my demons and I have let go of all my hurts and just claim I"M WORTH  BEING HAPPY HEALTHY AND WISE! 
So go out and do it for you, I know it is hard but I'm here to help and support, utilize me! :)
My best to you and yours,
Stay Healthy, Happy, and Wise :)