Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Never give up!

Some days I just want to give up! I get so frustrated!! I have all the answers but don't apply them to get the results I want. I had a gain this week and wasn't a good feeling, but last night while I ate those chips and had a sandwich It was running through  my mind the whole time, Shawn this isn't going to be come weigh-in tomorrow, but I chose to go ahead and just eat. I just gave up in that moment, I didn't want to give a crap, I just felt like I needed salt.
During the day I set myself up for failure. I had a busy day, started off good, had awesome healthy breakfast, worked out hard, and enjoyed the morning. Then came after noon, I had bills to pay and places to be, I got ran around from one of them and ended up missing a meal. I did want to stop and eat at fast food place, but talked myself out of it. I went to the store to return a item and thought I would get some seaweed salad and have a quick meal on the road. I patted myself on my back, I didn't cave in and eat junk, believe me it was hard and I literally had to self talk my way out of it.
 By the time I got home I was so hungry and dinner was in another hour. I ate dinner, it was another healthy meal, was so good! An hour passed and I started to get my nightly sweet/salty tooth. Ugh how I hate this tooth!! I had to eat something so I chose a special k crisp, 100 calories yes! Was yummy!! I few hours passed and then came the salty tooth kicking in and I just wanted those dam chips. Well what goes better with chips than a bologna sandwich, right? So I made a sandwich, oh did I forget that peanut butter sandwich I ate earlier,(I actually stole it from my wife she had made it for herself and I walked by her and said yum that looks good can I have one? So she gave me hers) oh yeah I did forget to mention that :/ It was apart of my sweet tooth munch! Back to the salty tooth munch, I ate it and after I felt like crap and headed off to bed.
I woke up this morning early after a terrible night sleep and felt like crap. Why does this happen?? The food is worse than any other drug out there I swear! I need to be in a rehab lol. So today I will make my plan and follow through and each day reach out to my support people in my life. I cant let all the hard work be in vein. I workout so hard and have no results to show for it. I need to get my food on track like my training is.
So onto a new week!!

My workouts this past week:
7.346 miles ran
2 days Jillian shred dvd
1 day Aerobic body shaping dvd
1 day Jiggle free abs dvd
2 rest days :) after 31 days straight workouts I needed it!

My inspiration for this coming week:

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Self Sabotage!


This past week has been an adventure for sure. I have had laughs, heartache, and feeling the blues. What does this do to the mind? Well let me count the Twinkies!

When I get into a funk or feeling happy I eat, then comes the point of dam I have to get this under control weigh-in is coming up. This week I did have a loss, it was .4th of a lb. This is not what a person who works out an hour a day should lose. I should have been at goal by September but since I have pissed away the days with food set backs, I will not make my goal. So I have set a new goal for Dec 31st 2013. I will be at goal!

How can I do this? Simple fact is, I have to get out of my own way! I cant always say, ok I can have that treat, its your birthday after all. I can have that treat I worked out hard today. I can eat that because I'm so pissed of at you, I will show you. I can eat that because I'm craving something sweet. the list goes on and on with all these mind games we play with ourselves, justifying why we are allowed to eat these foods. I need to get rid of the excuses and get moving forward to the person I want to be.

I'm an emotional eater and I have to learn my triggers and instead of eating my feelings, try to use the skills I have learned and self talk my way out of it.

My workouts for this week:
7 miles running ( 1 mile a day)
7 days Jillian shred dvd

My inspiration for this week:


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Do it for you!

I'm so happy to say I had a loss this week! 2.2 lbs.!! It was a long time waiting but I did it. Or should I say my body did it :)
I had to push pass a lot of mental barriers this week, like my eating. Eating is the most hardest part of weight loss. I have to say I did indulge a few times but I kept it minimal and didn't have a whole cheat day just a few treats and that seemed to make all the difference. I have to learn not to rely on exercise to cover what I have eaten, but to eat so I can exercise. I found that out the other day when I thought I was going to eat a big breakfast and then do a workout. I kept saying to myself dam what is wrong with my legs I cant run long. Not knowing what I had eaten made me sluggish and not preform to my bodies full potential. Lesson learned! I have been sticking to a small breakfast, then eat right after my workout to refuel, seems to work for my body and recovery time is quick. I feel awesome right now and I don't want this to end :)
 I would tell my self if I did the extra work, soon my body would give in and start doing what I wanted it to do. I didn't give up and I did it for me!
I love the way the exercising has made me feel, better mood, stronger both mentally and physically. I cant say it enough, push past those mental barriers, it is worth it!

So this week I accomplished:

12 miles of running
7 days of Jillian dvd shred

My inspiration for this week:

When it’s time to die, let us not discover that we have never lived.

— Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dont eat back calories!

Today was my weigh in day and I wasn't pleased, but who am I kidding if you don't eat right this is what happens!
I was up again, for the past few week as I try to tweak my diet , I have failed to keep to it. I just cant seem to get with the program. :/ I have worked my ass of at working out but I'm not working my ass of in the eating department. I workout at least 1 1/2 hrs. a day only to ruin it with bad food choices is something I really need to keep a eye on. I'm my worst enemy when it comes to this. I give in to temptation and cravings and then feel bad because the scale says what I try and hide. The scale doesn't lie!
Food is one of my most hardest parts to weight loss, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. I always wake up and start my day off right only to ruin it after dinner time. Why is this? I have for years tried to figure this out. I also have times when I'm with family or friends and I'm like what ever, I will eat out of not wanting to get any one upset. I really need to work on this and be more aware of what is good for me and not for others.
My half way point has come and gone and I'm no where near where I had planned to be, but I wont give up! I'm going to do this I will get healthy and I know it is going to come from inside and I have to dig down deep and figure out my boobie traps and not lead myself into self sabotage.
So my plan for the next 30 days is to eat clean again, this seems to be the only time I can get my diet right and lose the lbs. So its a tried and true method for me. I have a few b-day parties coming up so I will have to make plans to brig foods I can eat.
Make a plan or plan to fail that is the answer!

My inspiration for this week:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Trust the process!

I have to trust this process of new eating and working out. This is hard when the scale starts creeping up the wrong way. I have worked out like never before and I ended up gaining a few lbs. I know that this always happens when you start something new with your body. My mind says that but man sometimes you just feel like giving up. I have to learn to trust that my body is just trying to figure out what to do with itself, and to be honest with the foods I put in it. No matter how much you exercise if the food intake doesn't match the amount of exercise you do you will never get any where!

So I will trust this process and give it my all. I have a plan, and goal in place and the determination to get there. I will not give up because of what the scale said.

Today was my monthly measurement day and it went ok, I lost 1/2 in on my waist, 1/2 in on  my hips. All the other body parts stayed the same. I wasn't to pleased because of the amount of working out I've been doing but I have to remember that with the loss of fat and the gain of muscle my body is changing and I do feel that with my clothes. Again I have to trust the process!

The exercise I did this past week:
Ran 10 miles total
Jillian shred dvd 7x
1020 squats
675 crunches
555 seconds of planks
555 triceps push ups

Was hard but I did it! Onto a new week, I will trust my body will conform and do what I need it to do. I have to stick to the plan and know one day I will succeed.

                                              My inspiration for this week: