Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day 24 Clean eating (wed)

Day 24
It's weigh-in day!
Drum roll please........
2 lbs down this week!!
So today was another busy day, had to shovel, which I used as a form of exercise. I crouched and used different body parts to make it a good workout. Man last night I sure felt it, I was sore and in need of a major rub down! But I have to say I felt good and it gave me the energy I needed to finish my day strong.
Food cravings are still there but I have control this week so that's all good. I have 7 days left until the end of this cleanse so I'm super happy about that! I will, how ever, be eating clean 90% of the time after that until I hit my goal weight. This IS the year, I've spent to many years saying this and not completing it. I will not be ruled by fat!
So here is what was on the menu for today:
protein drink made w/rice milk
chicken strips
avocado salad
bison tacos
berries, nuts
My verse for today:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Day 23 Clean eating (tues)

Day 23
Wow I cant believe I have just 7 days left before this clean eating is done. Now with that said, I have to say, I have really enjoyed not having belly aches daily.
 I don't how ever like the fact I had to give up some of my favorite things to eat.
I noticed since eating clean how much garbage my family eats, and I miss that also. I miss eating mindlessly and enjoying foods with my kids and grand kids. But I often remind myself these things are not what counts.
 What counts is being there a long time for my family. What counts is them being able to have me in their lives at times when they need me. I remind myself of the people that have died in my life that didn't think like this and how I would have loved them in my life to meet my grand kids, to share family functions with. But they didn't and the out come is and always will be death!
So it IS up to me to change, no one can do this for me. I can bitch and moan how hard it is, but who did this? I did this! I ate the foods that I knew was bad for me. I didn't exercise because I felt it was to hard on my body, not realizing when I don't care for my body that is what will do me in, not a little foods restriction or exercise.
 I'm happy and pleased to know for the past several weeks I have had losses and no gains! I'm on the road to where I want to be and I just feel, and know I will make it there.
Here is what was on my menu for this day:
protein drink made w/rice milk
chicken strips
avocado salad
chicken thigh
mixed berries
clean chocolate(found at health store YUMMY) w/almonds
My verse for today:
One of my all time favs!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day 22 clean eating (mon)

Day 22
Felt like I just wanted to throw in the towel and surcome to being fat!
I hate days like this, but I had come across this pic on a friends site and said to myself, yeah I'm not going down without a fight!
This evil demon called fat will not conquer me, no it wont!
I went and bought a new pair of running shoes and a new DVD. I will start training for something Ive  thought I couldn't do anymore, and that is to run! Run like the wind and be free, o man how I have missed it!
So I will make this, I know I will. I just got to keep my focus and stop putting me last.
Here is what was on my menu for today:
protein drink made with rice milk
chicken nuggets w/honey
avocado salad
broasted chicken and mixed warm veggies
rice chips and guacamole
Here is my verse for today:

Day 20 & 21 clean eating.... Weekend!

Day 20 & 21
This weekend was by far fast and furious! I had made a bad move going to a asian buffet! I thought, in my heart and mind, I would be ok and make good choices. I made it all the way to the end and wham!
The chicken nugget and onion ring called my name! I swear! Not, I just had one of each but after I ate it I was reminded real quick why I shouldn't eat that junk.
I went home and that night I woke up with the worse stomach pains ever! I ended up being sick for 2 days because of one poor choice. Was it worth it? No!
So I know I messed up my 30 day stretch with only 10 days remanding, can you say self-sabotage! I guess in my sub conscious I made myself fail, I always do for some weird unexplained reason. I really need to find the root to this issue, or I'm bound to repeat it.
Here is what was on my menu for the weekend:
Breakfast: both days had protein drink made with rice milk
Lunches: chicken and salad
Dinner on sat: Asian foods :/
Dinner on Sunday: chicken nuggets and avocado salad

Here is my verse for this weekend!


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 19 Clean eating (fri)

Day 19
TGIF is all I got to say, man this was one hell of a long week, between snow days, half days, this and that to keep every ones schedule going and in tact is a full time job.
So today I did OK in eating but I had a sweet tooth to die for.
So here is what is on my menu for today:
protein drink made w/ almond milk
side salad
rice tortilla
rice cream
chocolate almond milk
made a great frozen treat yummy!
Here is my verse for today:

Day 18 clean eating (thurs)

Day 18
Today was another faced pace day. I didn't plan right and ended up skipping a meal.
I was going from 6:30 am until midnight with no down time it seamed. I often wonder how I pull it off.  So  I don't have much to say for this day but it was a whirl wind.
On my menu for today
protein drink w/coconut milk
chicken with rice
My verse for today:

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day 17 clean eating (wed)

Day 17 (wed)
Weigh-in today....drum roll...lost 1.8 LBS again :)
I'm well into the halfway mark for this cleanse. I have to say it has been good, has its ups and downs but for the most part I'm feeling really good. Learning a lot about how foods effect me so that's a plus. Ive also learned how to manage cravings and for me that's a huge step in the right direction. 

Today I ate on the run almost all day, it was crazy! I had such a busy day of driving everyone around to where they needed to be and then helping out others, man talk about stretching yourself thin. I got through it though without one cheat!I'm so proud of myself. I had a few moments when I thought Id puke because I was so tired and hungry not a good combo! But I stayed strong until I got to a store that sold clean foods and had a snack to tide me over until dinner. I'm learning everyday my vises and I'm actually in control now.
So on my menu for today:
vinegar and salt almonds
chicken nuggets (clean of course)
Like I said didn't get much in today was crazy busy. I don't like to under eat, I hate the fact I didn't plan better for the day. I really need to work on fixing on the go stuff in case this happens again.
Here is my Verse for today

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Day 16 clean eating (tues)

Day 16 (Tues)
Today was an OK day, a little stressed but whats new!
Stress is a funny thing it comes and goes in waves and for the first time I'm not filling it with chips and soda. I try really hard to keep my mind busy with stuff so I don't think about that. Some days it is harder than others.
I'm proving to myself everyday I can do this, and nothing will stop me being the best me. I discovered there are so many obstacles in eating a clean diet. Going out with family, parties, and just everyday living. I have to make a choice every min of every day, do I eat this or that, do I say no or just let the person know why I cant eat what they give me. I'm learning on how to put my needs first. So onto new days new trials, the difference, I'm armed with the words to say :
 NO thank you, I don't need to eat that why you say? because I'M WORTH IT!
On my menu today:
protein drink made w/chocolate almond milk
chicken thighs
chicken strips
blueberries, blackberries w/cashews
My verse for today:

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 15 clean eating (mon)

Day 15
I cant believe I'm on day 15 and haven't cheated!!
Woot Woot and hurrah for me!!
Well today was another party, this time for my grandson. It was pizza chips and soda, oh yeah the awesome looking cake to top it off. I smelt it, I admired it but I didn't eat any of it. My wonderful wife of mine made sure I had a clean plate of food. I had a great time and I had a weird thing happen

The chains that bind me to food felt like they have been broken. I have held my own against the most hardest times confronting foods and I won!!
I feel now as though I can do this, I can actually get this monster under control.
My trick, well every time I look at those foods I try to remember my belly aches, my headaches, my ability not to run and do the things I want to do. That snaps me into a place of pain, and with pain in mind, I say NO to those foods that hurt me!
I control food it DOESN'T control me!
Here is what was on my menu today:
Protein drink made with coconut milk
chicken avocado salad
chicken strips w/honey
My inspiration for today:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Day 13/14 (weekend)

Day 13 and 14 The weekend!
This was the first birthday weekend, since I can remember, I didn't eat what ever I wanted. I didn't treat myself to my most favorite piece of yummy cake. I didn't treat myself to the dinner I always have. I didn't go to my favorite restaurant and chow on all the goodies. I didn't go to the movies and eat popcorn and a hot dog with 2 mt.dews by my side. I didn't lay around and eat junk all day.
But guess what I also didn't do? I didn't have a belly ache. I didn't have to worry about headaches from to much sugar. I didn't have to throw up at 3 am because I binged on all my favorite birthday foods. I didn't have to beat myself up today knowing I blew a whole week just because it was a "ME" week.
I'm proud of myself. I had 2 trips to restaurants and 1 to the movies and the whole time I had to self talk. I even found myself telling my kids and wife and grand kids to try things so I knew how they tasted, lol, I later thought about it and made me kind of sad that I give that much power to food. I will never do that again. I will make sure I lead by example and teach them food should never be eaten for pleasure but to make you feel better because you can feel the "good" foods doing what they need in your system.
I did miss a protein drink and man I felt it. I was sluggish all day, give me back my green sludge lol, I need those vitamins and energy to keep up with my life. So no more skipping those for sure!
So here is what this weekend looked like, it looks weird but menu at restaurant was limited and I wanted to stay clean. I'm happy to say I DID IT!
Sat day 13
Nada was full from breakfast
chicken and bean chime chunga
made w/rice flour tortilla
almonds and black bean chips
Sunday day 14
protein drink made with chocolate almond milk (can I say YUMMY)
black bean chips and salsa
Turkey chime chunga
made w/rice flour tortilla
guacamole w/black bean chips
almond w/ rice milk chocolate bar
I learned a lot about myself this weekend and I can honestly say I'm on the right track. I made it through the fire and I know I can succeed!
Here is my verse for today:

Day 12 clean eating (fri)

Day 12
The past few days have been hard for me. I want to comfort eat and also eat stuff that have been looking at me. I know food doesn't have eyes but dang sometimes I feel like its calling my name.
I was proud that I didn't but I will have more on that on sat blog.
Here is what I had on my menu today:
protein drink made with almond milk
chicken w/avocado salad
kids had pizza tonight talk about hell! I wanted to cram a whole one in my mouth, but I didn't :)
I had:
home made chicken nuggets
almonds and coco bar
My verse for today:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 11 clean eating (thurs)

Day 11
Today was a very busy day, and I didn't plan like I should have!
Like Jillian always points out if you fail to plan plan to fail. Well I didn't fail at eating clean but I did fail at eating enough. I ended up so hungry today and feeling so ill. I missed my breakfast drink ( I thought I'd never say that) I felt the pull of tiredness and feeling so sluggish. I didn't succumb to the wants of pizza that everyone had tonight. I stuck to eating clean and I feel good about that.
So on my menu today:
Nada :(
chicken strips
chicken wings
fruit and nuts
My verse for today:

Day 10 clean eating (wed.)

Day 10
My Birthday :)
Today was filled with hard choices, and for the record I stayed clean and I even went out to eat!
It was hard but I did it, I did how ever skipped lunch because of how busy I was. It made me eat a lot more than I planned on for my birthday dinner, but I did stay clean and that's all that matters to me right now. So I did it and I'm proud of myself.
On my menu for this day:
protein drink made with coconut milk
skipped :(
fish but just a part was yucky
My verse for today:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 9 clean eating

Day 9
Today was a day I proved to myself I can cook for others and not cave in. The smells was awesome but I just saying this is nothing my tummy would love. I keep in mind the pain I feel when I eat those foods, not to mention the fat, and it has been keeping me in check.
I had a great day of eating, but man when I made those chicken nuggets tonight I could have ate the whole pan. They was the' bomb!
So with a day of eating done here is what was on my menu:
protein drink made with coconut milk
left over chicken veg soup
hand full of sunflower seeds
chicken nuggets with honey
salad w/avocado
rice fettuccine w/ mushrooms
My verse for today:

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 8 clean eating...1 week done!

Day 8
One week down :)
So I'm one week down today and going strong, no to say though I haven't have had my struggles. I'm very nervous about my upcoming birthday, not that I'm getting another year older, but because the foods that usually come along with a birthday.
On your birthday you feel entitled to have what ever comes in sight. You want all your yummy treats around at your whim. This year I will not have foods dictate to me what I enjoy on my birthday. I will make clean foods and stick to a clean diet. I found a cake mix that is clean, it is spied cake, usually not a birthday staple. None the less I will eat it and say yum :)
On my menu for today:
Breakfast =
protein drink made with almond milk
Lunch =
chicken veg soup
Dinner =
pinto beans chicken strips
salad w/avacado
Snack = berries and apple
I no longer have shake in pm, it keeps me awake so I switched to fruit
My verse for today:

Day 6/7 clean eating

Day 6/7 the weekend
It was one roller coaster of a weekend for trying to eat clean.
I had the munchies from hell and I ate to many nuts! I did manage to stay clean but dam it was hard! I just wanted to say "F" this and eat what ever, I had a moment where I even wanted to sneak something. I talked myself out of it. I really want to do this 30 day cleanse and do it right. All my life I have never completed this struggle I have with weight and I'm determined to. I want to be in control, not food in control of me.
On my menu this weekend:
Sat Day 6
Breakfast =
protein shake made with almond milk
Lunch =
chicken w/salad
Dinner =
porcupine meatballs made with ground chicken and bison
snack =
raisins and mixed nuts
Sunday Day 7
Breakfast =
protein drink made with almond milk
Lunch =
perch w/salad
made nut cheese with rice crackers
Dinner =
made rice tortillas
pinto beans
Snack =
nuts and raisins
So the next few days I'm laying off nuts, they did get me through this hard weekend but I don't want to stall my weight loss and cleanse.
So new goals for the week will be posted in tonight's blog
Have a safe and healthy day!
Here is my verse/prayer for today

Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 5 clean eating

Day 5
Today was some what of a hard day, had lots to do and I'm really tired today. I did manage to stay clean! I was kind of proud of my self. Last night I was craving something for comfort and nope I didn't do it. I was so tempted just to have a nibble. I talked and talked to myself, sounds crazy but dang I had to, I really want this to work.
So as I pat myself on my back I have to say I was really creative in my meals today and all of them tasted awesome! I love that I can turn a few ingredients and make the bomb meal.
On my menu today:
Breakfast =
protein drink made with coconut milk
Lunch =
Chicken with pinto beans
Dinner =
chicken fajitas wrapped in romaine lettuce wraps
pinto beans
Snack =
protein drink made with coconut milk
Verse for today

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 4 clean eating

Day 4
Managed today to stay clean. I did have a few more snacks than usual, but managed to eat clean foods only.
I was so hungry for comfort foods, I wanted the crunch of a chip and the bubble of a soda. I did it, I stayed away from the food monsters! Don't get me wrong I loved the food I had today, but it wasn't fulfilling my want for salt and sugar. I was frustrated a few times and said why? Why should I do this? Then I quick self talked and said remember how good the belly feels. No pains no nausea, no feeling like I want to cut my gut out of me. So it put me back on track and I completed another clean day.
Here is what was on my menu today:
Breakfast protein drink made w/ coconut milk
chili con carne
cashews and sunflower seeds
chicken fried brown rice
protein drink made w/ coconut milk
My verse for today:
I will not be lazy in the things I do!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 3 clean eating

Day 3
Today was my weigh-in day, I have lost 3 lbs!! Woot Woot!!
I was so happy to see that, I had thought for sure I was going to have a bad weigh-in because of Superbowl day.
So onto the nitty gritty of my day. I'm on day 3 going strong. I still feel kind of blah but I had only 4 hrs sleep last night and have been on the go all day.
I do like the dishes I have been creating, I so love the stir fry I made tonight.
As I was eating it I kind of felt guilty I loved it so much, but then I thought why should I? This is some good food,  I have to get it out of my mind food is bad. I have to learn to re love food but in a good way.
Here what was on my menu today:
Breakfast =
protein shake made w/ rice milk
Lunch =
left over chicken on salad bed
Snack =
Dinner =
left over night :)
had some bison chili and made stir fry from left over baked chicken
Snack =
protein drink made w/coconut milk
My verse for today
I put this one up because after a night of worry I was blessed today. I was driving down the road and it happened and I wept like a baby. I was having my eyes opened once again. I will never, ever lose my faith again.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 2 Clean eating

Day 2
So another day down and I made it!
It was long day for me, I had lots on my mind and wanted to stress eat. I amazed myself and found out I can do it if I stay focused.
My food today I tried to mix it up and try new things. My new thing: avocado dressing. I made it with avocado and cilantro and jalapeno and water. Turned out great. Its a keeper! I wasnt sure how I was going to live without my dressing but I'm finding a way by making my own version.
So weigh-in is tomorrow, I'm nervous because when ever I change the way I eat or exercise I tend to gain. So I will pray it will be fine as soon as I find my groove with this clean eating.
Here is what was on my menu today:
Breakfast =
protein drink made w/ rice milk and mango
Lunch =
bison chili made w/ pinto beans and toms
salad w/avocado dressing
Dinner =
baked chicken
salad w/avocado dressing
Snacks =
protein drink made with coconut milk and cherries
So onto a new day! I'm feeling good a little foggy still but not as bad as I have had before. I know the withdrawals will only last a few days so I'm good with that.
 My verse for today is:
Have a blessed night all!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 1 Clean Eating

Day 1
So I'm done with day 1 and it went better than I thought. I have to say you have to be way more creative when it comes to cooking. I have a lot to learn on how to make foods yummy without all the cream, cheeses and processed stuff.
I don't really like the drinks in a.m. and p.m. but I'm determined to get over the texture issue and let the taste come into play. So here is what I had today:
Breakfast =
protein drink made with coconut milk
Lunch =
chicken salad w/ avocado dressing
1/2 apple
Dinner =
chicken stir fry w/brown rice
salad w/ tomatoes
1/2 apple
Snack =
protein drink made with coconut milk
So onto more reading on how to make me not fail at this, I have such a weak spot for yummy foods. I need to keep myself in check, thank goodness for my support team.
I hope that my pain will be gone within a few weeks of this. I plan on doing this for 30 days to see how it helps my body, not just in weight-loss but my main goal is to be pain free.